Digby Trails
Digby Outdoors Map
Challenge badges
Balancing Rock
Wildflowers of Balancing Rock
Acacia Valley
Lichens of AVT
Wildflowers of AVT
Van Tassel Lake
Phone of the Wind
Lily Lake Lollygag Trail Run
Gulliver's Cove
Fundy View Trail
Central Grove Trail
Brier Island Coastal Trail
Big Meadow Bog Trail
Storybook Trail
Plan - Digby Railbed Trail
Point Prim Lighthouse
Point Prim directions
Further hiking at Point Prim
Save An Island Lighthouse
Maud Lewis
Maud Lewis Gravesite
Haines Lake
Fundy Erratics hiking club
Digby Railbed Trail survey - How do you feel about the Municipality's plan?
Thank you for letting us know what you think of our plan to make a trail out of the abandoned rail corridor in the Municipality of the District of Digby.
Question Number 8 is the important one on this form. Questions 6, 7,8 are the only required fields.
If this form is not convenient, you can also submit feedback to the trails coordinator by email, phone or by arranging a face to face meeting.
For more info please see
or contact Jonathan Riley, Trails and Open Space Coordinator at
[email protected]
or (902) 245-2861.
Community of residence
Phone Number
The Municipality of Digby is particularly interested in hearing from adjacent landowners. If you are an adjacent landowner, please include your contact information above, in case we have updates to share or otherwise wish to discuss the trail plan with you further.
1. Do you own property adjacent to the railbed?
If yes, please provide contact info above and let us know below where your adjacent property is.
In which community?
Address or PID number
2. Do you live full or part time beside the railbed?
In which community?
3. Do you use the railbed for
Recreation, leisure or exercise?
Transportation (for work, errands etc)?
4. Which of the following activities do you use the railbed for? Please check all that apply.
Walking or running
Dirt biking
Horse riding
5. Which of the following activities do you support on the railbed?
Walking or running
ATVing/ side-by-siding
Dirt biking
Horse riding
Other activities supported
Other activities supported
5. Which of the following activities do you NOT support on the railbed?
Walking or running
ATVing/ side-by-siding
Dirt biking
Horse riding
Other activities NOT supported
Other activities NOT supported
Indicates required field
6. Have you read the Municipality of Digby's plan for developing and maintaining the abandoned rail corridor as a multi-use trail?
If no, please be sure to include contact info above and we will arrange for you to receive a copy.
If no, please be sure to include contact info above and we will arrange for you to receive a copy.
The Municipality of the District of Digby's complete plan for the Digby Railbed Trail is available online at:
7. Do you have enough information about the Municipality of the District of Digby’s plan for developing and maintaining the abandoned rail corridor as a multi-use trail?
If no, please include contact information above and let us know what further information you need.
If no, please include contact information above and let us know what further information you need.
What further information do you need?
8) How do you feel about the Municipality of the District of Digby’s plan for developing and maintaining the abandoned rail corridor as a multi-use trail?
I support it. Please provide reasons below.
I do NOT support it. Please provide reasons below.
I support it but am concerned about part of the plan. Please provide details below.
Other. Please provide details below.
Please provide any additional comments here.
You can also submit feedback to the trails coordinator by email, phone or by arranging a face to face meeting. For more information, contact Candace Levings, Trails Coordinator at 902-308-6063 or by email at clevings
Digby Outdoors Map
Challenge badges
Balancing Rock
Wildflowers of Balancing Rock
Acacia Valley
Lichens of AVT
Wildflowers of AVT
Van Tassel Lake
Phone of the Wind
Lily Lake Lollygag Trail Run
Gulliver's Cove
Fundy View Trail
Central Grove Trail
Brier Island Coastal Trail
Big Meadow Bog Trail
Storybook Trail
Plan - Digby Railbed Trail
Point Prim Lighthouse
Point Prim directions
Further hiking at Point Prim
Save An Island Lighthouse
Maud Lewis
Maud Lewis Gravesite
Haines Lake
Fundy Erratics hiking club