Trail enthusiasts are invited to join in a celebration of the new trail bridge over Hwy 101 near Exit 26 in Conway just outside Digby. The grand opening is scheduled for Sept. 29 at 11 a.m. on the north side of the bridge (the Digby side). South West Nova MP Colin Fraser, Clare Digby MLA Gordon Wilson and Warden of the Municipality of the District of Digby, Jimmy MacAlpine will cut an alder branch to mark the official opening before crossing the bridge with those in attendance. Greg Turner, chair of the Digby Area Tourism Association is looking forward to the bridge celebration. “We are inviting cyclists, horse riders, walkers, ATVers, all the various users of this bridge to celebrate together,” says Turner. Please meet on the Digby side - for those driving to the bridge opening, easiest access is via a highway access road from the far end of the Flat Iron Road. Park on the shoulder and well off the road near the electrical substation. Please take care to keep the road clear for any traffic needing access to the highway construction site. The contractor is working on Saturday and has been made aware of the ceremony. Rubber boots are recommended as the access road is still under construction and could be muddy after all this recent rain. The Digby County ATV Club will be hosting a BBQ afterwards with hotdogs, sausages water and pop.
Jonathan Riley, trails and open space coordinator with the Municipality of the District of Digby Archives
May 2023
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